Pythia's C++ translator requires static programs. The static type syntax is inspired by, and borrows from: Cython, C++, Rust and Golang.

Pythia is similar to RPython, a restricted and non-dynamic subset of Python.

static typed vectors

list and array doc

a = []int(1,2,3)
b = []int(x for x in range(3))

static typed maps

a = map[string]int{'a':1, 'b':2}

map iteration

The key value pairs can be looped over with a for loop.

def main():
    a = map[string]int{'x':100, 'y':200}
    b = ''
    c = 0
    for key,value in a:
        b += key
        c += value

async channels

sender, recver = channel(int)

<- send data

a <- b

channel select

switches to a given case when the channel data is ready.

    case x = <- a:
        y += x
    case x = <- b:
        y += x

function channel parameter types

def sender_wrapper( sender: chan Sender<int> ):
    sender <- 100

def recv_wrapper(recver: chan Receiver<int> ):
    result = <- recver

switch syntax

switch a == b:
    case True:
        x = z
    case False:
        y = z

JavaScript Extra Syntax


. var is allowed before a variable name in an assignment.

    var x = 1


. 'new' can be used to create a new JavaScript object

    a = new SomeObject()


. $ can be used to call a function like jquery

    $(selector).something( {'param1':1, 'param2':2} )

. External Javascript functions that use an object as the last argument for optional named arguments, can be called with Python style keyword names instead.

    $(selector).something( param1=1, param2=2 )

. $ can be used as a funtion parameter, and attributes can be get/set on $.

def setup_my_jquery_class( $ ):
    $.fn.someclass = myclass_init

exception expressions

this is a shortcut for writting simple try/except blocks that assign a value to a variable (PEP 463)

a = {}
b = a['somekey'] except KeyError: 'my-default'

Invalid Syntax

. with is reserved for special purposes.
. for/else and while/else are deprecated.